“Do No Harm” Isn’t Just About COVID-19

Did you know that it’s not just physicians who follow the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath commonly summarized as “do no harm”? A number of health professionals have also adopted this mantra, including massage therapists. It’s a good one. I don’t argue that doing “no harm” is, in fact, a good thing. But, I’ve always had a problem with the phrase. It’s so…passive. Why can’t it be a phrase of action? Like “do all the good you can”?

98 Days (And Counting...)

I will not be open for business on June 22nd.

That probably bums you out, huh? Some of y’all might even be frustrated, annoyed or mad. I get it. I am all of those things, too. But some of you? Some of you might view this as permission to feel relief. Relief to take reopening at a pace more in line with your comfort in preparedness. That’s how I feel.